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Prediction for the match between forZe and Team Spirit

This fight will most likely be won by forZe as the team has been showing decent match results for a long time. These two teams will meet in the group stage. You could even say they are twins, as the difference between them is quite small.

forZe is the 29th team in the world ranking that has successfully managed to get past DreamHack Open November 2021. The team successfully defeated Complexity, which allowed them to get a little ahead.

The results of the last matches were as follows:

  • beat Eternal Fire by a score of 2-0;
  • defeated SKADE 2-0;
  • lost to Gamer Legion 1:2;
  • loss to Finest with a score of 1:2;
  • losing to ENCE 0-2.

Among the best cards are Mirage with 71% of wins, Ancient with 67% of wins, and Dust 2 with 67% of wins.

Spirit is the 23rd team in the world ranking, which was able to rejuvenate significantly. It is worth noting that it is certainly not worth waiting for quick results from the team. Even at the start they showed that it’s too early to surprise the audience.

The results of the last matches are as follows:

  • beat GODSENT with a score of 16-12;
  • defeated TYLOO with a score of 16:3;
  • lost to with a score of 1:2;
  • lost to Astralis with a score of 0:2;
  • fnatic losing 0:2; fnatic losing 0:2.

Among the best maps were Nuke with 70% of wins, Dust 2 with 67%, Ancient with 60% and Mirage with 50%.

As part of this season, the teams had a couple of meetings:

  • Team forZe won at Spring Sweet Spring 1 by a score of 2-0;
  • The Spirit team at Pinnacle Cup II won 2-1.

At the moment, Spirit is doing extremely poorly, so do not even expect to win. On the other hand, the situation of the rival forZe is much better. Therefore, this time it is worth betting on forZe.