Another game, the events of which take place in a post-apocalyptic world. But if we compare Dying Light with Left 4 Dead 2, we can highlight many differences. In Dying Light, the main emphasis is on the storyline, which is the main difference from many other similar projects. And here, in most cases, you will have to run away from the walking dead, overcoming various obstacles in your path, rather than killing them.
An interesting gameplay decision was the day-night cycle. During the day, you can move around the city calmly, killing dozens of enemies and not worrying about your integrity, but as evening falls, the game changes dramatically. Zombies become faster and smarter. In addition to all this, darkness hinders your vision, making it very difficult to understand where you need to run. As you can see, the game offers an incredible atmosphere. Why not try to play and attempt to survive until dawn?
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