GameBase • Издатели • Midway Games
Unreal Tournament 3 — игра, на фоне которой меркнут многопользовательские сражения в Half-Life и Quake. Во-первых эту игру очень любят за многообразие режимов, в рамках которых вы будете выполнять различные задачи. К примеру, Onslaught — режим, сильно напоминающий Battlefield 1942. В нем игроки будут сражаться на поверхности, без постоянных поисков выхода из подземелий и секретных […]
Here is the first fighting game on our list. Mortal Kombat can rightfully be called one of the best games in this genre. This work is filled to the brim with blood and gore, just what you need for a good time. Since its release, the game has not allowed competitors to surpass it. In […]
And here is the real classic in the world of shooters. The classic «DOOM 64» from developers id Software and Nightdive Studios was released in the very distant year of 1997 on Nintendo 64. Thanks to games in this series, we see the shooter genre as it is now. But at the end of March […]