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Standoff 2 - photo №116506
Standoff 2 - photo №116506

Standoff 2

Game Genre: Shooters, Тактические шутеры, Экшен-игры
Platforms: Android, iOS
Game Release Date: 01 Jan 1970
Features: 41
Age: 17+
Rating: 80
Rating: 80
Version: 0.28.4
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FAMAS in Standoff 2

The FAMAS is a pretty decent weapon, considering its gameplay, characteristics, and price. This weapon is used by French special forces units and is the cheapest among all rifles in Standoff 2. However, it sacrifices damage and penetration for its affordability.

FAMAS Characteristics and Information

Weapon type: Rifle with optics.
Price: $2200.
Usage: Precise long-range shooting.
Damage: 30.
Fire rate: High.
Recoil: Minimal.
Movement speed: 225.
Penetration: 65.
Shot power: 190.
The weapon is lightweight, making its recoil almost negligible. However, it’s not suitable for long-range engagements due to its low damage, making it challenging to kill opponents at a distance. Try to operate on the front lines to minimize your enemies’ chances of surviving your bursts. If you are an experienced player, you can still use this weapon effectively at long range.

In that case, fire in short bursts or single shots to compensate for the spread and recoil, increasing the weapon’s efficiency. Don’t aim directly at your target; aim slightly lower because the first shot will be on target, but subsequent shots will go slightly higher. For example, if you’re aiming for the head, start shooting at the neck area to increase your chances of hitting your target.

Also, keep in mind that the FAMAS has a relatively small magazine, so learn to use it efficiently.

Counterplay: How to Play Against FAMAS

If you encounter an opponent wielding this rifle, try to move quickly in different directions when they approach you. Just like when facing an AWM user, it will be much harder for them to kill you, giving you a better chance to survive their bursts. During their reload, you can take them down. Avoid exposing yourself at long distances, especially against skilled players, as they are likely to inflict significant damage. Always seek cover behind various objects!

For your convenience, here are all the advantages and disadvantages of the weapon:

Advantages: Affordable price, low recoil, high fire rate, lightweight.

Disadvantages: Lowest damage among all rifles, small magazine size, low accuracy at long distances.

Additionally, FAMAS comes in various skins, so choose one to your liking and crush your enemies.

Standoff 2 - photo №116506
Standoff 2 - photo №116506

Standoff 2

Game Genre: Shooters, Тактические шутеры, Экшен-игры
Platforms: Android, iOS
Game Release Date: 01 Jan 1970
Features: 41
Age: 17+
Rating: 80
Rating: 80
Version: 0.28.4
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Guides by Standoff 2

  1. Where can I get a promo code for standoff 2?
  2. How to download standoff on pc?
  3. Standoff 2 is CS:GO?
  4. Standoff 2 what genre is the game?

Content by Standoff 2

Articles, FAQ, News, Promocodes, Updates, Compilations, Streams

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