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How to level up quickly in Starfield?

Why Leveling Up in Starfield is Crucial

Leveling up in the cosmic saga Starfield is a fundamental part of gameplay. Here’s how you can accumulate experience points (XP) swiftly and level up efficiently.

Importance of Leveling Up in Starfield

  • For gaining access to new systems and planets
  • For obtaining better equipment
  • For unlocking quests
  • For acquiring items

Strategies for Leveling Up in Starfield

Let’s delve into some tried-and-true methods for grinding those XP points.

Sleep to Boost XP Gain

When your character gets some sleep, your XP gain increases by 10%. Use this feature strategically before embarking on planetary expeditions or clearing outposts.

Main Missions and Side-Quests

Completing missions is an obvious yet efficient way to approach leveling. The amount of XP earned depends on the mission’s complexity and difficulty.

Walks and Tours

Don’t overlook leisure activities. Taking a walk or listening to a guided tour can offer as much XP as a major outpost clearing.

Faction Missions

Faction quests generally reward between 200-250 XP. Access these missions by visiting MAST’s headquarters in New Atlantis and join UC Vanguard.

Develop a Romance

Entering into a romantic relationship can also offer a significant XP boost. Reaching a certain stage in the relationship can unlock a 15% XP gain.

Scan Planets

Use the Astrophysics skill to scan planets from up to 30 light-years away. This action also increases your chance of discovering planetary features worth additional XP.

Drinking Tea

Opt for Boba Alien Tea made from distilled water and fiber. It gives a 1% XP boost for 15 minutes.

Explore New Locations

Each new location discovered earns you 20 XP. To optimize XP gains, land in cities or outposts and explore nearby regions.

Scan Flora and Fauna

Scanning one object grants 20 XP. You’ll encounter plants and animals almost everywhere you go.

Persuasion in Dialogues

In some dialogues, you have the option to persuade. The difficulty levels for persuasion are:

  • Green: 1-2 points, 65% for 1 point, 47% for two
  • Yellow: 3-4 points, around 40% success rate
  • Red: Low success rate, around 30%

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