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How to play correctly with the AWP in CS:GO

Professional player from Outsiders ( team Jami “Jame” Ali launched a video how to play with AWP in CS:GO properly. The whole video is divided into parts, where he tried to share all the nuances of playing with AWP, key terms and shared his secret tricks. The main video appeared on Jame Time’s official YouTube channel.

Basic skills of playing with AWP – aiming, positioning your scope and model. Knowing the map, where to play and how to feel with the AWP in the game. All of these elements are strongly related and important.

In the second part of the video, Jame talks about flicks, knockdowns, how to train zoom movement and lunges on maps. He has his own methodology, showed how to make a quick lunge if you need to shoot from behind cover when you know where your opponent.

The main and probably the favorite map for practicing AWP – awpcup_map2. Here everyone can train and think about different things and thoughts while playing. However, there is not much distance to work and if you need it more, then this map is not quite suitable. It’s easier to go back to csgohub and shoot and train there.

It has its own individual style of play, but it may not suit everyone, because everyone has their own method of play, even with AWP. The basis for everyone is to kill your problems, because if you remove your problem areas, then you will play better. After all, everyone trains differently: someone on DM, someone plays mixes.