“Pavlov VR” is another shooter in the augmented reality industry with action elements. This game was created by the guys from the Canadian studio Bankrupt Games. It was released in 2017. Over these four years, the game has pleased almost all players who have played it. Essentially, “Pavlov VR” is “Counter-Strike” in the world of VR games. The gameplay of these two games is very similar.
You will have to choose a soldier for yourself. You can play as regular modern soldiers or as military personnel (you can also choose by nationality: for example, Soviet, American, or German). There are also various maps from the same time periods: starting from World War II and ending with real-time. Maps that are closer to real-time are larger and offer a wider selection of weapons. In the latest update, the developers have introduced tanks, which can also be driven and used to kill enemies.
Thanks to being a VR game, the gameplay is extremely realistic. Just the process of reloading weapons alone is worth mentioning. You have to do the entire reloading process with your own hands.
In addition to this, the game has several game modes: standard, practice, competitive, against bots, and others. It is also worth noting the “out of body” control system, which allows character movement using the controller.
Unfortunately, compared to other games, “Pavlov VR” has a significant number of bugs, but the developers often fix them. At first, it will not be easy for you, as there will be many skilled, good, and experienced players against you, but once you learn, you will get maximum enjoyment from the game.