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Project RYU: An Incredibly Beautiful Game About Modern South Korea on Unreal Engine 5.

For reasons that can be easily understood, we sometimes miss out on gaming announcements and trailers. That’s exactly what happened with the unveiling of the Korean RPG, Project RYU, at the end of March. However, its stunning visuals are so captivating that we couldn’t resist sharing it with you, albeit belatedly.

Project RYU is a single-player RPG set in a contemporary setting, primarily in Seoul, South Korea, as suggested by the trailer. Developed by a small indie team of just six people, the game utilizes the Unreal Engine 5. As a result, details such as the release date and platforms for the game’s launch have yet to be announced.

But just take a moment to watch this video…

Here, the Unreal Engine 5 truly shines, showcasing its LUMEN and NANITE technologies. The lighting and polygon count in the scenes are genuinely impressive. Against such a realistic backdrop, the cartoonish model of the main character appears somewhat out of place. Personally, I’ll be keenly following updates about this project. I wouldn’t be surprised if Project RYU eventually garners the support of Epic Games itself.

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