This game is the culmination of the series. Classic and groundbreaking at the time of release, it sets the standard to aspire to. The storyline about World War II is not over. The developer decided to take a different approach to this theme and create a new story. Everything depends on the actions of the character, and several heroes are available to choose from.
Players will be able to see the overall situation from different perspectives. The multiplayer mode on consoles is the game’s main advantage. The maps are equipped with excellent design and there is a wide selection of weapons. Unforgettable missions and plot twists await the players.
In 2016, this part of the game was reworked and improved. Now there is enhanced graphics and numerous special effects. The realism of the events adds to the game’s atmosphere.
The storyline will tell about events that happened centuries ago. The game features a well-implemented class system and character leveling. They can be upgraded and customized. New weapon upgrade models are unlocked for kills.
Пост был обновлен 22.07.2024 23:23. Появилась новая актуальная информация.
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