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South Park: The Stick of Truth - photo №114212
South Park: The Stick of Truth - photo №114211

South Park: The Stick of Truth

Жанр игры: Action, Adventure, Ролевые, RPG
Платформы: Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation
Дата выхода игры: 05 Мар 2014
Разработчик: Obsidian Entertainment
Особенности: Single-player
Возраст: 18+


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The hero, destined by fate to be the savior of South Park, emerges from the bloody fields of the fourth-grade playground. Trey Parker and Matt Stone, the creators of «South Park,» present to you their greatest mission yet — to become cool. Introducing «South Park: The Stick of Truth.»

You are a new resident who must undertake the difficult task of making friends in an unfamiliar town. As you begin your journey, the children of South Park become engrossed in a role-playing game, casting imaginary spells and wielding toy swords. Over time, this harmless child’s play evolves into a grand battle between good and evil, the outcome of which will determine the fate of the world.

Take hold of legendary weapons and test your abilities against crab people, underpants gnomes, hippies, and other monsters. Find the lost Stick of Truth and earn the friendship of Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny. If all goes well, you will become the savior of South Park and forever solidify your social status.

Game Features:

  • Script and voice acting by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, accurately capturing the world of South Park in the game
  • Your goal is to become cool and help Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny save South Park
  • Meet classic «South Park» characters who will assist you
  • Arm yourself with magical weapons and enchanted armor for intense battles
  • Create your own character, choosing from millions of clothing, weapon, and appearance combinations that reflect the unique style of South Park

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The game South Park: The Stick of Truth developed by Obsidian Entertainment studio(s) in the genre Action, Adventure, Ролевые, RPG, Для одного игрока, Приключения and available on platforms such as Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox S, Xbox X. On this page, you can find the release date of the game South Park: The Stick of Truth, as well as the latest news, reviews and additions. We often publish guides, modifications and video materials in the right categories of the game.

Thanks to the information above, you can familiarize yourself with the information about the game, and with the help of video materials you can find out whether you should pre-order the game or not.

You can buy the game South Park: The Stick of Truth by buttons on this page, select source, go to and download. South Park: The Stick of Truth price, you can buy by clicking on the buttons on this page, you will be redirected to the official website or platform where you can subscribe, purchase.