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Activision - photo №118444
Activision - photo №118444

Call of Duty: Warzone

Жанр гри: Action
Платформи: 37, PC, Windows
Дата виходу гри: 01 Січень 1970
Розробник: Activision, Activision Blizzard
Особливості: 41
Вік: 38+
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Статті по Call of Duty: Warzone

  1. Які перки найкраще використовувати у Warzone.
  2. How to get a nail gun in Warzone
  3. Перегляд особистої статистики в Warzone: інструкція.

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Зомбі-апокаліпсис в Warzone: Верданськ на межі катастрофи!

“No, you didn’t mishear. Yes, we know that in the latest Warzone update, zombies have moved to the Superstore, following the classic scheme with a computer to summon them, a chest, pink and yellow keycards.

But zombies have also been spotted at the Dam. Rumors suggest that the turning point of the event should happen at the Dam, so maybe they are there for a reason. If we delve into the Modern Warfare storyline, we can recall that Kravchenko was at the Dam, specifically in the laboratory (located beneath the Dam, where a helicopter often stands on the roof), conducting experiments on prisoners, and later, in the game, he appeared as a vengeful zombie. Or maybe, as always, they messed something up and launched it ahead of schedule.

But everything points to the fact that the zombie saga for this season will come to its conclusion next week, and the most epic (well, I hope so) event in the history of Warzone will begin – Verdansk will explode, and we will travel to the past.

Many insiders are even speculating that Verdansk in Warzone will be flooded. We’ll have to wait for information from the developers.”

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Activision - photo №118444
Activision - photo №118444

Call of Duty: Warzone

Жанр гри: Action
Платформи: 37, PC, Windows
Дата виходу гри: 01 Січень 1970
Розробник: Activision, Activision Blizzard
Особливості: 41
Вік: 38+
Дивитися гру

Статті по Call of Duty: Warzone

  1. Які перки найкраще використовувати у Warzone.
  2. How to get a nail gun in Warzone
  3. Перегляд особистої статистики в Warzone: інструкція.

Контент за Call of Duty: Warzone

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