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Cheats in Warzone 2

Cheats in Warzone 2. I didn’t pay much attention to it, and you say there aren’t many of them, but these videos with boats have gone viral, so let’s set the record straight:

– Cheaters will always be around, but with Ricochet, there will be very few of them.
– Even cheat developers themselves admit that Ricochet is very dangerous.
– In the latest video, a cheater kills, flies on a boat, and gets banned right in the game.

Cheaters are hurting again. It turns out that over the weekend, a cheat that remained unnoticed by Ricochet was finally noticed, and a bunch of cheaters got banned. The manufacturer apologizes and regrets it, as they understand that bans are unpleasant. The most interesting thing is that he says, “bans can come, especially in cold.” How is it with cheaters in new games?

But there’s something else:

I will make a big post about matchmaking (basically not SBMM anymore) in WZ2.0 a little later when there is more information. But there is a rumor, which of course no one can confirm, that if you are an MWII owner, even in Warzone, you will be matched with MWII owners, not with free players. This reduces the chances of encountering cheaters in the lobby almost to 0, as it would be very frustrating if a cheater bought the game at full price and that account got banned.

Believe it or not, it’s up to you, judging by what can be seen now, it’s most likely true.

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