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Turmoil - photo №116335
Turmoil - photo №116334


Game Genre: Indie, Indy, Managerial, Simulation
Platforms: iOS, Linux, macOS
Game Release Date: 02 Jun. 2016
Developer: Gamious, KiwiClockWork Studios
Features: Online Co-op, Online PvP, Single-player
Age: 10+

Buy game Turmoil

Turmoil – Test your abilities to become the best oil driller in the world! Take steps towards your desired dreams of a luxurious life by extracting more and more oil from the depths of the earth. Expand your business connections, purchase specialized equipment for work, hire workers, and keep track of all the financial affairs of your own company. Prevent precious oil spills, make profitable deals with businessmen, provide high-quality oil to your customers, and get ready to defend yourself against fierce competitors.

System Requirements


OC: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
Processor: 2,5 GHz
RAM: 2048 MB RAM
Disk space: 150

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