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Cities Skylines 2: Low FPS at Launch — Paradox Interactive’s Response

A displeasing incident occurred in the world of urban simulation as Cities Skylines 2 had a rough start with low FPS even in the game menu. Paradox Interactive, the brains behind the project, didn’t sit idle and rolled out a game optimization guide to rectify this hiccup.

Negative Reviews: Gamers’ Reaction

As often the case, first impressions can heavily impact a product’s reputation. Cities: Skylines II overlooked this, offering players a mere 10 FPS in the menu. The outcome? A downpour of negative reviews. Steam statistics are quite telling: only 29% of the reviews are positive.

Online Community: A Silver Lining

Nonetheless, not everything is gloomy. The community is actively exploring the new virtual city with more than 102,000 players online. Perhaps with the release of the optimization guide from the developers, the situation will take a turn for the better.

Developer Recommendations: A Chance for Improvement

Paradox Interactive stepped up, offering an optimization guide. This could be the first step towards regaining trust and enhancing the gaming experience for all Cities Skylines 2 aficionados.

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