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Toxicity on FACEIT: Russian Female CS:GO Pro Opens Up

Ksenia “vilga” Kluyenkova: A Veteran in CS:GO with Strong Opinions

Ksenia “vilga” Kluyenkova, a professional Russian esports player, has been a prominent figure in the CS:GO community for years. Recently, she shared her thoughts on FACEIT, and it seems she isn’t too pleased with it.

One of the major issues she highlighted is the toxicity prevalent among players. In the realm of matchmaking, encountering sharp and offensive remarks directed at fellow players is all too common. While many may brush it off, she firmly believes that such behavior is unacceptable. After experiencing this toxicity, the desire to play and interact with these players diminishes considerably.

Even though the altercation wasn’t directed at her (it involved two other players), she feels it’s crucial to address such situations. Vilga also touched upon the topic of the younger generation, emphasizing that even during gaming, children should conduct themselves appropriately.

A similar incident occurred with a female player from Team Liquid. According to her, her teammates often display improper behavior in-game, shouting into their microphones, name-calling, belittling, or simply ignoring others. Enduring such actions is undeniably challenging. Currently, the majority of players are attempting to convey the importance of a more composed and respectful approach towards opponents and teammates, as it directly impacts the outcome of the game.

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