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valde leaves the ENCE team

On Valentine’s Day sometimes there are dramas. For example, ENCE and valde decided to part ways due to differences in play style. But I think this reason is only nominal.

When ENCE was just putting together their current roster, they were choosing between Snax and valde, remember?

With Janusz, they then just reached the final and after that they began to think about who to replace Spinks with. I personally liked the Snax idea a lot more because the dude knows how to win tier 1 and is motivated as hell. But ENCE agreed on Wald and I didn’t like it at all. Mechanically, the player is strong, but there are not many achievements to the strange and this was alarming.

In principle, it turned out as I thought. The cart is not running. For Walde, this is almost certainly the finish line, as for ENCE… it is unlikely that they will stomp the top 3 again and reach the finals.

There was some magic in the last line-up, but we’ll see.

The post has been updated 20.10.2023 23:25. There is new relevant information.
Any suggestions for an update? Write in the comments.

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