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Gabe Newell Talks About Dota 2 on Team Deck.

Steam Deck and Dota 2: A Match Made in Gamer Heaven

The gaming world was buzzing with excitement when Gabe Newell, the president of Valve Corporation, confirmed that Dota 2 can run smoothly on the powerful portable gaming PC, Steam Deck. This revelation opens up a plethora of possibilities for the device’s future.

A user with the handle 1LastHit2Die4 reached out to Gabe Newell via email. When asked about Steam Deck’s capabilities for running Dota 2, Newell responded affirmatively.

Primarily, the Steam Deck could become an incredibly convenient tool for coaches within the professional Dota 2 team environment, especially during LAN tournaments. They can instantly review game replays on the Steam Deck right after a match for analysis. Compared to a mere video recording of a Dota 2 match, a gameplay replay offers a wealth of information. While laptops could serve the same purpose, the form factor of the Steam Deck makes it a particularly attractive choice for LAN tournaments.

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