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PSG.LGD published TeamSpeak footage from TI11 matches

Team PSG.LGD has repeatedly complained that they play without booths and can hear the Dota 2 commentators at The International 2022 Dota 2 tournament. The team posted their TeamSpeak on Reddit, where you can hear the commentators’ voices clearly.

If you turn on the record, you’ll realize that all participants of TI11 can hear the commentators through their teammates’ microphones – the devices capture the speech of the Caster and transmit the sound to the other players’ headphones. Thus, teams can find out when the Smoke of Deceit was used, go to kill Roshan or make important moments and elements in the game.

In addition to the record users have repeatedly complained about the organization of TI11 and the organizers, who are not interested in the teams and the game, only the money. In fact, the rating of the most scandalous post scored almost 1,600. Thus, fans demand answers from PGL and Valve themselves:

What’s stopping them from making a professional tournament without problems, where you can’t hear the casters, and check things out beforehand?
How will games that have already been played, where American teams have a strong advantage over others, be decided?
Why did they remove the sound isolated booths that used to be on all TI11. Will there be booths in the finals in a different arena?

Dota fans are demanding compensation for the team that lost because of the commentators. On October 21, 2022 this was already reported by Team Aster, also Fnatic talked about it.

We also recently wrote about what Intity said about hearing commentators before October 21, 2022. In addition to soundproofing issues, the arena where Intity hosts the first part of the playoffs has been criticized – According to visitors, it seats about 300-500 people.

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