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Top 20 most energy consuming mobile apps: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and more

Artezio conducted a study to compile a list of the most energy-consuming mobile apps. As a result of the study, a dozen applications were compiled that drain the battery of a smartphone more than others.

The top 5 energy-hungry mobile apps included Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat, as well as TikTok and YouTube. The top ten also includes Google maps, Uber, Netflix, WhatsApp and Skype. The list of leaders was closed by the mobile version of Photoshop.

However, as Igor Esipovich, director of the mobile development department at Artezio, said, it is quite difficult to make an exact list of mobile applications that consume the most electricity, as it depends on many factors, including the OS version, smartphone model and how they are used.

Artezio analysts have tested more than 100 popular mobile applications that are most often installed by users and identified those that consume much more energy than others. It is important to know that Telegram was not included in this list.

So, if you want to extend the battery life of your smartphone, then you should pay attention to the list of energy-consuming mobile applications and use them wisely.

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