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Voice Actor for Ghost Fired by Activision.

It’s disgusting. Now the actor who voiced Ghost has been fired from Activision (his contract was terminated, to be precise).

It turns out all this fuss was because he insulted some female streamer during his own stream, but it seems she wasn’t a saint either. This happened back in December, so it went almost unnoticed, but you know how cancel culture works. Society labeled him as a sexist, and he won’t be voicing Ghost anymore. And streaming is going to be quite difficult for him as well, as he’s already been banned on Twitch and Facebook.

Here’s the thing, I can’t help but share my opinion. I believe nothing really happened. So a couple of streamers had a spat, so what? He made a few jokes about her vagina, but that’s normal, she’s a woman and she has one. I’m sure if it were a male streamer, he would have made jokes about his private parts. Never be cancelers, and society will be healthier! As for Ghost as a character?

I think no one will kill him; they’ll just revoice him in the original game, in Warzone, and in the sequel, and then they’ll kill him.

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