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In a recent update, the renowned game developer Infinity Ward, responsible for the popular online shooter Call of Duty, decided to replace the “Bounty” contract in Warzone with “Most Wanted”. Under this new contract, players essentially became a live target for all other participants on the map, but upon its completion, they would receive a monetary reward and the ability to redeploy any fallen teammates.

However, the gaming community reacted quite negatively to this update. As a result, within just a day, the developers released a new patch reverting the contract back to “Bounty.” Additionally, several issues were addressed, such as adjusting the timer in the 3v3 Cranked Gunfight mode, configuring the appearance of Customs Gunsmith in matches, and more.

To reiterate, the battle royale Warzone is part of the cross-platform shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, yet it doesn’t require its purchase. Call of Duty: Warzone is available to all players completely free of charge.

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