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The sequel to The Legend of Zelda — Breath of the Wild has been postponed to 2023.

Hold onto your Master Swords! Today, on March 29, 2022, the gaming realm received a bittersweet update: the much-anticipated sequel, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2, won’t grace our screens until spring 2023.

Adding a layer of context to the delay, Eiji Aonuma, the seasoned producer behind the Zelda franchise, unveiled a video addressing the intricate challenges of game development and shedding light on the reasons for the postponement. For a deeper dive, check out the video here.

While the delay might cast a shadow of doubt on the game’s ability to attract new aficionados before its release, the absence of new trailers or showcases this year leaves much to speculation. Previously, trailers had showcased thrilling new mechanics in Breath of the Wild 2, including ceiling-soaring jumps and more.

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