Those who have been able to enjoy the game and complete it to the very end have noticed that Hollow Knight and Dark Souls are quite similar. What do they have in common, you ask? Well, quite a lot. This includes the need to collect souls that do not leave the place of death, and the presence of special benches for saving (similar to bonfires in another game), the difficulty of the game that is present from the beginning to the end, and a hidden storyline that requires investigation and erudition. Hollow Knight is full of mysterious moments. The player will not be guided on how to behave or which direction to move in. The gamer will have to explore the invented world and understand their purpose in it on their own. There is no need to worry about the storyline – it truly does not disappoint. Only a few who have managed to reach the first ending confirm this.
The genre of Hollow Knight is Metroidvania. The player will have to return to the same location again and again until they fully explore it. The difficulty lies in the fact that a certain ability located in a completely different location is needed to explore the area.
Another feature of the game lies in the fact that as the character’s abilities increase, the difficulty of controlling them also increases. To fully complete the game, the gamer will have to explore the world and complete all the tasks created by the developers. For example, finding a flower and carrying it through half of the world among the monsters lurking in the corners. And the final Boss of the game goes beyond any comprehension. But we won’t discuss that, let those who encounter it draw their own conclusions.