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Hello Bloodhunt community!Β We’re excited to present you with our Summer Update, which includes, among other things, the explosive new Team Deathmatch (BETA) mode!


Team Deathmatch (TDM) is an explosive 8 vs 8 mode where teams of duos battle it out for Dominance across 5 arenas from the Prague map.

We think this new mode is a great start for players old and new who want to experience the deep gameplay that Bloodhunt has to offer, as it allows you to get back into the action faster.Β It also allows for more experimentation with weapons and abilities compared to Battle Royale mode, as you are no longer limited to one or two lives per match.

Also, we hope that players who are fans of all-out PvP games will enjoy the mode, as TDM is quite hectic and intense, so please share the news with all your friends!

In the future, we will also try out several variations of this mode to see what works best!

New BloodHunt Summer Battle Pass

In our next update, you’ll find new vanity items to spend your summer in style!Β The Nimble Summer Pass, containing over 100 different items, is available for purchase at a special low price of 600 tokens.

We’ve created a faster Battle Pass to suit your summer gaming needs, knowing that the summer sun can be quite painful and nighttime gaming can be more infrequent in the summer for many of our kin.

The overall aesthetic is suitable for both hot summer nights and blending in with a local group of organized international criminals.Β Among the many variations, you can, for example, unlock 10 new and different outfits – from epic to legendary – as well as 10 new tattoos, 6 masks, 1000 tokens, a lot of XP boosts and a lot of new points, makeup, hairstyles, beards and so on.Β And that’s just what’s included in the Summer Pass!

Here is a list of the ten outfits included in the Summer Pass:

  • Unstable Assailants
  • Berserk Battle-Ax
  • The Four Hundred
  • Time Traveler
  • Kindred Kingpin
  • Vagabond
  • Serve, Flex
  • Do Not Cross
  • Main Character
  • short fuse

Of course, in the store you will be able to choose even more, but we wanted to pique your curiosity with some names.


Since we’ve mentioned all the cool new cosmetics and fresh outfits to customize your vampire coming with the Summer Pass, we should also mention our new streamlined process for getting them.Β The decision to do so was not easy and took a long time.Β It also meant postponing any opportunity to fix lingering bugs as we needed to implement this new system in order to be able to start fixing others.Β To achieve this, we had to painstakingly sculpt new bodies, rework vain objects and change the rig.Β Read all the details about itΒ in the article hereΒ .


As we mentioned inΒ the article hereΒ , we are working on further improvements to the game’s performance.Β With this update, stuttering should be further reduced when playing in DX12 mode.Β However, given that we’ve added new bodies and additional assets with the fresh install, this may impact performance.Β We will continue to work on improving this issue in future updates.


In the same article linked above, we detailed the issues we encountered with Reload and Red Gas bugs, which we finally resolved in this update.Β In addition, we managed to resolve several other bugs.

  • The weapon reloads before the reload bar is fully loaded and can be canceled in the middle of reloading.
  • Fixed a bug due to which some abilities did not interrupt the cooldown, while others did.Β All abilities will now interrupt cooldown.
  • The traverse has been smoothed out, which means less sticking when climbing corners and overhangs, as well as when climbing steep slopes.
    Fixed several desyncles related to traverse.


No update is complete without quality of life improvements, and this update is no exception.Β We are proud to say that it contains many much requested improvements.

  • We have updated the controller and added a lot of settings so you can customize the look, aim and rotation.Β The deadzone has been changed from axial to radial and is now fully configurable as well.Β For more details, check out our previousΒ article where we went over the changes in detailΒ .
  • We’ve made changes to our Vampire rig that not only speeded up the crafting process for Vanity Items, but also allowed us to slightly improve the visual quality of Vampires.Β Details here
  • All Camarilla caches now require a key to open.Β You will need to find it in Prague, which adds to the difficulty of finding rare weapons.Β This makes matches less predictable and requires more research to find the best weapons.
  • Ranked mode rewards are now immediately unlocked upon reaching the next rank.Β In addition, we have reduced the number of rating points required by 1000 points.Β We’ll have more on that in the future when Ranked Mode launches again!
  • The UI has been updated to make the benefits of the archetype more visible and easier to find.Β We’ve also added a popup in Elysium every time the player unlocks a new archetype perk.
  • The quest screen has been updated with daily and weekly quests, with new icons, clearer categorization, deeper progression through individual quests, and expiration dates and times.
  • The quest screen has also been redesigned to be more user friendly.
  • The PS5 has introduced a VSYNC option that can result in smoother frames as it reduces screen tearing.
  • Melee’s hitboxes have been improved to make it slightly easier to hit targets below you on sloped surfaces.



  • The space of the Nosferatu clan has expanded.Β Come in if you dare!
  • With the addition of an elevator, the Ventrue area is now open if you deem yourself worthy.

Elysium also has some new secrets.Β For example, you can meet a new character here that you can interact with.Β For those of you who are detail oriented, you may find what else is hidden.


  • The attic of the Rudolfinum has been opened, which improves flow when a match ends in that area.
  • The train arrived at the station.



  • Ax damage increased from 70 to 80
  • Spiked Bat damage increased from 55 to 60

Are common

  • HP regen/recovery has been increased from 50 to 100.
  • Diablerie no longer breaks the Masquerade to improve gameplay.


  • When exiting the Enforcer’s Marble Flesh, the character plays a short transition animation during which the Enforcer cannot attack.Β This transition gives players time to react and moves Marbleflesh into a defensive ability as originally intended.Β In addition, you can no longer do anything other than reload or switch weapons while under the effect of Marble Flesh.Β This includes activities such as committing diableries and using consumables.
  • The Sirens’ Blinding Bat damage has been increased from 20 to 50
  • Vandal Earth Shock damage reduced from 20-60 to 10-30
  • The Sewer Bomb no longer slows the thrower while throwing, and its throwing speed has increased by 33%.Β In addition, the animation delay time has been reduced from 0.4s to 0.3s.


This update contains many new tasks for you to complete.Β In addition, we have improved and rebuilt the user interface, which now gives you a clearer view of currently active and completed quests, as well as expiration dates, progress indicators, and improved quest descriptors.Β All this in addition to a new quest indicator icon, progress pips, and a clearer display of rewards for completing quests.


We have added a knife and a cleaver to the game.Β These two melee weapons now spawn all over the map.Β They provide a greater variety of weapons, and the chance of them spawning makes them less likely to encounter other melee weapons.Β This allows us to balance them appropriately so that blue melee weapons bridge the gap better compared to purple ones.


  • Camera wobbles when feeding NPCs
  • Respawn tooltip does not animate and is displayed as full
  • On rare occasions, players may spawn in red gas, especially with the Windy variant active.
  • When queuing for trios and duos, players may end up in Prague without a full team (team may be missing the last player)
  • Teammate map markers may be missing after respawning in Prague
  • NPCs shake and spin when you feed them (Big Rig side effect)
  • Looped sounds for Camarilla and Entity containers do not break after opening them
  • Player may get stuck on “Your Coterie” screen after selecting an archetype and entering Prague
  • Low storage sometimes lifts you a little higher than expected, which is a side effect of fixing low storage desync and thus an overall improvement, but still not ideal.
  • Some character objects may flicker or look strange (Big Rig side effect)
  • NPCs can still crash into walls or the ground in some cases, especially after being fed.
  • Still no potato salad, but stay tuned!


  • The game does not currently have a join-in-progress or auto-balancing feature to handle players leaving the game during a match.
  • It is difficult to distinguish teammates from enemies.
  • Respawning still needs work to improve respawning near teammates and squadmates and away from enemies.
  • Distant characters may show animation compression artifacts (i.e. look like they are in slow motion), especially when there are many characters in view.
  • Assists count as kills on the main scoreboard.Β This is by design, but in the future it will be REPLACED by a scoring approach.
  • There is currently no way to switch archetypes between lives.
  • The current pickup approach is experimental and subject to change in the future based on feedback.Β It was an easy-to-implement solution that encourages players to try out different weapons, but it can feel like it’s too luck-based.
  • Map layouts are preliminary and will be refined based on feedback and telemetry.
  • The scoreboard is currently bound to the same key as the map (V or M).Β In the short term, this was easier and more convenient, but over time it will replace the inventory screen (Tab).
  • Healing is not very convenient at the moment due to the fast pace of the matches.Β The best solution is currently being tested inside the game and should be released in the near future if the feedback is positive.


This concludes the description of the patches for our summer update.Β On July 15th, we’ll be posting a poll on our social media where you can give us your thoughts on the update.Β Feedback from this survey will help shape our next update.

Thanks for reading and, as always, see you at dusk!Β /Sharkmob

The post has been updated 08.10.2023 11:27. There is new relevant information.
Any suggestions for an update? Write in the comments.

20 Juneee 2023 updated once again, adding and fixing some changes, you can read about them above. And you do not forget to follow the updates of the game on our site, as well as the game has: