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Main changes to Warzone 2.0 & Modern Warfare II season 2

Major Changes in Season 2 of Warzone 2.0 & Modern Warfare II. The developers at Infinity Ward have released the promised blog post detailing the upcoming changes planned for Battle Royale. From main:

– Significant changes to the game interface.
– GULAG in the format “1 against 1”. The jailer will be removed. The capture flag from the first part of Warzone will be returned.
– All players from the beginning of the match will be equipped with body armor with three armor plate slots, as it was in the original Warzone.
– Economy improvements.
– Backpacks are no longer divided by size. All players now have the same backpack by default.
– Loot from the eliminated enemy and containers will fall to the floor in the form of “floating” objects in the air.
– Perks in sets can be customized, but there are some nuances.
– Prices for kits and customized weapons will be reduced.
– Sets will now drop in the first and fifth circles of the zone.

And much more.

The blog will be translated and published soon.

Warzone 2.0 & Modern Warfare II Season 2 Key Changes

Departures and stability

We continue to strive to improve the overall stability and performance of our games, including reducing crashes across all platforms and games.

Expect the Season 02 patch notes to detail specific fixes and changes before February 15th.

Sound (General)

According to reports, some PC gamers may experience audio issues due to the inconsistency in the number of output channels. We’ve added the ability to force your PC into stereo mode; Please make sure Windows and in-game audio settings are set correctly according to your listening environment.

Looking into player reports regarding audio has led us to identify a previously unknown issue affecting occlusion throughout the game. Sound occlusion is a filter that is applied based on the type of material an object or structure is made of, mainly based on its thickness and how it blocks the full frequency of the sound. The filter should only be applied to large structural objects, but we found some small items, such as a stapler or a pile of rags on the ground, that caused the filter to turn on when it shouldn’t. For example, a wastebasket labeled with the wrong material could occlude sound as if it were behind a wall, making it difficult for the player to hear the sound. This issue will be resolved in the Season 2 update, and we continue to work on fixes and new audio features,


Season 2 will see a number of UI/UX updates that will improve the overall structure of the in-game menus. These updates include:

  • Improved navigation and organization of the camouflage menu
  • Improved social tab including improved channel switching and player mute
  • New “My Sets” screen
  • Quick Equip Items from the Battle Pass, My Packs, and the Store
  • Crosshair preview in Shop and Gunsmith
  • Improved the clarity of module lock logic in the Armory
  • And many other bug fixes

We also recently introduced a fix that restores:

  • Status update rate of Recent players in the menu
  • Friends status update

More details on these and other changes will appear in our Season 2 Patch Notes.


  • Improved post match report
  • Replay Feature in Battle Royale

Fixed bugs related to inconsistencies between:

  • Assignments
  • Battle Pass
  • Weapon progression

Weapon balancing

Weapon balance is something we’re constantly reviewing, and we’ll be balancing weapons as part of Season 2 just like any other seasonal or mid-season update. Details on weapon balancing can be found in the Season 2 Patch Notes. Below, we’re happy to share some of the armor changes that will make Warzone 2.0 more enjoyable to play.

battle royale

Major Changes Season 2 Warzone 2.0 &Amp; Modern Warfare II


The 1v1 Gulag will return with the launch of its second season. With this change, players will see the return of the original Warzone mechanic – the Domination-style flag capture point – in place of the Jailer.

In order to bring this change to the game faster, we have edited the existing Season 1 Gulag for a more comfortable 1v1 combat, but we are now actively working on a special 1v1 map for future seasons.

We have also made some changes to the Gulag logistics. Ground loot has been overhauled, as well as the gear players will spawn with. We’ve updated the weapon set to include assault rifles, submachine guns, and machine guns as primary weapons as we progress through the laps. Shotguns have been removed from the rotation, and pistols will remain as secondary weapons.

For those who leave the arena with a victory, the Gulag will provide players with a larger cash reward. This change in terms of money will allow players to get back on their feet faster.

Along with the increase in cash rewards for winning, which was discussed in the previous section, cash will now appear in the Gulag as ground loot to encourage and reward players who want to roam the arena.

Changes in the economy

In addition to the Gulag cash changes discussed above, we’re balancing the Battle Royale economy by slightly reducing cash rewards for completing contracts. In addition, we are increasing the minimum amount of cash from ground loot to $800 and cash from cashiers to $500 (previously the minimum was $100).

In addition to this, cash can be obtained from Citadel ground loot, containers, and white supply crates throughout Al Mazra, but can no longer be found in base and legendary supply crates.

This redistribution should speed up and make more logical gameplay in pursuit of resources.

Loot and inventory

As announced last week, we are moving from loot windows/menus to floating loot that will now drop from all containers in the world, similar to loot from supply crates.

This change is intended to improve the pace of gameplay by minimizing the time spent navigating the UI and getting players back into action faster.

We were pleased to see that the new backpack system gives players the ability to customize their inventory to their desired play style or role in a Squad. In our ongoing effort to balance fights, medium and large backpacks will no longer be available, and eliminated players will drop loot on the ground rather than into loot-filled backpacks. Each player will have the same backpack throughout the game, which will subsequently reduce the impact of stacking medical supplies, equipment, and killstreaks. We will continue to monitor feedback and provide updates that will make the looting process easier for everyone.


Sets have always been a staple of Warzone in Battle Royale, and we’re paying close attention to them. The changes that players have seen since the launch of Warzone 2.0 and since then have ultimately focused on delivering the most rewarding experience for the individual and team while maintaining the complexity of the game. As such, we are making further changes to how players purchase some or all of their equipment.

Season 2 will introduce custom perk sets! This feature will launch with a slightly reduced set of available perks that we can gradually expand over time. We want to make this feature as discreet as possible so that all available perks provide sufficient utility and remain viable/balanced options.

Primary weapons will continue to be available at Buy Stations, but now at a more affordable price so that players can achieve victory with their most coveted weapons. We’re also still happy with the introduction of cargo drop markers, although we’ve taken a closer look at the price point. The price of Bundle Package Tokens has been slightly lowered to allow appropriate unit sizes to purchase their full gear more quickly. In addition, in extremely rare cases, players can find one of them while looting in Al Mazra. Added a second public event, Set Reset, which means that gear resets will now occur on the first and fifth laps of each match.

Additional changes…

Vests with three plates

We are constantly evaluating the pace of combat and have decided to make a change: all players will now start the game with a 3 plate vest. Vests of different sizes will no longer be found as loot in the Royal Rumble. This standardization will increase the reliability of each battle from the very beginning. We will continue to study data on the optimization of waiting time and improving the ability to recover from the previous battle.


We have made important changes to the movement mechanism that should improve the results of players in combat. Beginning in Season 2, players will be able to sprint through doors while wearing plates, just as if they were sprinting. This change includes a slight increase in movement speed to help players get to cover faster in times of need.

Shopping stations

To make it easier to access Buy Stations and their items, we’ve changed our approach; Spawn locations have been added/adjusted, spawns will be static across the map, and goods drop markers have an unlimited supply at all stations. As always, we will continue to monitor the global balance of our economy and the availability of resources as we move forward.


Citadels provide a high-return alternative gaming experience for those who are up to the task at hand – and for others interested in depriving players of their rewards. We aim to provide a balanced experience for players who choose to join castles. Season 2 will see changes to the rewards players receive for completing Citadels and Black Site, as well as additional adjustments to the damage dealt by AI fighters.


Major Changes Season 2 Warzone 2.0 &Amp; Modern Warfare II

AI Difficulty Change

In the first season, the AI ​​in the DMZ was difficult, but the difficulty ramp up was often abrupt and some players found themselves overwhelmed. In Season 2, we’ve made a number of balance changes to tweak AI types, AI numbers, AI accuracy at a distance, and more. All of this should provide a challenging but manageable playspace that still requires the player to respect enemy fighters in the DMZ.

Spawn points

We are tweaking some Al Mazra entry points to improve the early match experience based on gameplay data. Starting the game at a point where your squad feels isolated or deprived of the opportunity to get loot and make a contract is not the best experience. These changes should improve spawn points throughout the mode.

Setting the difficulty of missions

Data and feedback confirmed that the difficulty level of the faction missions was too aggressive for many players, and that the demanding scale ended up making it very difficult to unlock the second insured weapon slot (completing all tier three missions) in the first season. We’ve adjusted the overall scale of mission difficulty as we progress through the levels. The later tier missions will still be quite challenging even for experienced operators, but we believe easier access to an additional insured slot will provide a better path forward for all players.


We know crashes are especially hard in the DMZ if you lose your items and contraband weapons as a result. Addressing these crashes is a high priority for Season 2, and we are committed to improving stability. Stay tuned for more details on this.

Seasonal updates

Season 2 will feature brand new missions, including updating current progress on faction missions and inventory resets (contraband and keys). We’ll be detailing everything you need to know about the DMZ ahead of Season 2 in an upcoming blog post.


With the introduction of the new Zone in Season 2, players will have a third option to choose from when heading into the DMZ. The Faction Mission Update will provide new quests that will take you to these locations, including Building 21. We suggest you and your squad get ready to land first!


Major Changes Season 2 Warzone 2.0 &Amp; Modern Warfare II

Sound (MP)

As noted in previous updates, one type of our audio occlusion system remained disabled in Multiplayer intermittently after launch. Occlusion still existed in Multiplayer at this time, but was not a newer and more advanced system. We have spent this time testing and reintroducing this occlusion system and are happy to announce that it will be back online with the launch of Season 2.

Perk balancing

We’ve heard a lot of feedback on the timing of the bonus perks, specifically the Ghost perk. We considered changing the position of this perk, but we felt that this would create a serious imbalance in the perk system. In Season 2, we’ve changed the rate at which bonus and higher perks are acquired (bonus perks cost reduced by 50%, and higher ones by 25%). This adjustment will allow players to get Ghost earlier in matches, which will better support players looking for more aggressive action.

Weapon balancing

Along with the new weapons in Season 2, we will be making several weapon balancing changes. Full details on weapon balancing will be available in the Patch Notes for the launch of Season 2. We’ll also reveal five new weapons coming to Season 2 in the next few weeks. Stay with us.


As announced last week, Hardcore mode is returning to MWII. Hardcore will replace Tier 1 mode. We’re excited that fans will be able to return to this beloved mode in Season 2.


  • The Valentine’s Day playlist is back.
  • In the coming weeks, we’ll be detailing the multiplayer modes coming to Season 2.
  • One week a month, Infinity Ward will run a poll on Twitter so fans can vote for one of that week’s playlists from a rotating list.

Rating Games

Last week, we confirmed that Ranked Play, a deep multiplayer experience built in partnership with Treyarch, Call of Duty League and Infinity Ward, is coming to Season 2. Details on maps, modes, and other Ranked Play features will be revealed prior to launch.

20 Juneee 2023 updated once again, adding and fixing some changes, you can read about them above. And you do not forget to follow the updates of the game on our site, as well as the game has: