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Anna Shakhovskaya reveals her sexy Lara Croft version

Lara Croft’s cosplay from Tomb Raider has always been imbued with sensuality, mirroring the character’s status as a gaming and cinematic sex symbol. Anna Shakhovskaya, a cosplayer from Russia, took it upon herself to remind everyone of the qualities that made us all fall in love with the iconic Ms. Croft.

Gallery Anna Shakhovskaya reveals her sexy Lara Croft version

Anna didn’t just stick to the classic bikini ensemble we’re familiar with from the games. She added layers to her portrayal, donning a blue robe and a leather dress. And, staying true to the character’s essence, she made sure to include Lara’s signature weapons, particularly her pistols and shotgun, frequently seen in both the games and movies.

This Lara Croft cosplay leans more towards Angelina Jolie’s portrayal rather than the game’s rendition, capturing the essence of the character across different mediums.

The post has been updated 07.01.2024 01:29. There is new relevant information.
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