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What are the roles in Dota 2?

Expert’s Answer

What are the roles in Dota 2?

The Five Pillars of Dota 2: Unveiling the Roles

Every player stepping into the battlefield of Dota 2 takes on a specific role, forming a cog in the well-oiled machine that drives the team towards victory. These roles are not just mere labels, but a guideline dictating the course of action during the gameplay. Let’s delve into what each role embodies and brings to the table.

1. Carry

The Carry, often the hero of the late game, is all about scaling and biding time to become a formidable force. This role is crucial as the carry’s performance can be a deal-maker or breaker during the later stages of the game. With the right amount of farm and experience, a carry can single-handedly decimate the opposing team.

2. Mid Lane

The Mid Lane is the lone wolf, gaining fast levels and gold in a solo lane. This role is about creating a balance, ensuring both survival and accruing advantages to aid the team. The mid laner often transitions into a second carry or a game-changing initiator as the match progresses.

3. Offlane

The Offlane role is akin to the wild card. This role is about surviving the harsh lane, disrupting the enemy’s carry farm, and providing crucial initiations or crowd control in team fights. The offlaner’s versatility can be a significant asset to the team.

4. Support

The Support role is the backbone of the team, providing vision, healing, and crowd control, making the road to victory smoother. Supports ensure the carries and cores have a conducive environment to thrive and shine.

5. Hard Support

The Hard Support, often regarded as the unsung hero, dedicates themselves to the team’s welfare. They prioritize warding, dewarding, and sacrificing for the team’s greater good, even if it means taking a backseat when it comes to gold and experience.


Understanding these roles and the dynamics they bring to Dota 2 is fundamental for both playing and appreciating the game. Each role, with its unique responsibilities and gameplay, contributes to the rich and complex tapestry of strategies that Dota 2 unfurls in every match. So, which role resonates with you?