Infamous is an action-adventure game with elements of shooter, platformer, and RPG developed by Sucker Punch Productions. The story takes place in the fictional city of Empire City, which has been hit by a devastating explosion, leading to an epidemic and an increase in crime.
The main protagonist is a courier who survives the explosion and gains the superpower to control electricity. He can shoot lightning bolts, shockwaves, and energy grenades to disable enemies. He can also recharge himself from electrical devices, wires, and traffic lights. The hero can hover in the air and heal wounded people with his electricity. As the story progresses, the hero also acquires other abilities such as controlling neon and smoke.
In addition to the list of abilities, the protagonist’s worldview also changes throughout the game, influenced by his actions. The game receives favorable reviews from critics, although some players feel that it is not well-developed enough for the PlayStation.