Resident Evil 6 is a legendary continuation of the popular game series that never fails to impress with its unique features and characteristics. In this game, the storyline revolves around terrorists infecting the President of the United States with a vaccine that turns him into an aggressive zombie. Players must confront him face to face and attempt to eliminate him, but it won’t be an easy task as he possesses incredible strength.
One of the heroes will have to take on the responsibility of killing him, while a mafia organization supports the terrorists in their attempt to conceal the truth about the uncontrollable weapon they have developed. The game seamlessly transitions from personal vendettas to global catastrophes. The main protagonist must solve this problem and save the United States from the potential consequences.
Players have the option to choose from 7 different characters, including a female terrorist. With four captivating story campaigns, they will only have to go through one storyline. Be prepared for numerous and dynamic battles, as there will be plenty of enemies to face.
Resident Evil 6 offers an immersive gaming experience that will keep players on the edge of their seats. The intense action, gripping storyline, and diverse characters make it a must-play for any fan of the series or gaming enthusiast. Get ready for a thrilling adventure that will test your skills and strategic thinking.