“Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack!” is a classic mobile arcade game based on the cult and well-known “Serious Sam” series. Just by the name of the game, you can tell that it definitely won’t be boring here. You will be facing dangerous kamikazes.
In “Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack!”, all you need to do is constantly run. Run, overcome obstacles, dodge various dangers and barriers. Although the game is not famous for its extraordinary graphics, storyline, etc., it is very suitable for a great pastime, and the excellent music tracks will only enhance your mood during the game. There are a total of 40 levels of difficulty in “Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack!”.
In general, if you have decided to try something new or play a very simple game, then you definitely should play this game. And you will pass it quickly, especially since it has everything you need. With “Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack!”, you can truly immerse yourself in nostalgia for the world of past, classic games.