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Super Meat Boy - photo №113183
Super Meat Boy - photo №113182

Super Meat Boy

Game Genre: Action, Indie, Indy, Platformers
Platforms: Android, Linux, macOS
Game Release Date: 30 Nov 2010
Developer: NVIDIA Lightspeed Studios, Team Meat
Features: Single-player
Age: 12+
Downloads: 1000+

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If you want to train your reaction and speed but don’t know how, we strongly recommend trying to play this game with a funny name. If you decide to play “Super Meat Boy” and think that it will be easy and relaxing, you’re mistaken. The game has so many traps that you’ve never seen before, and there are constant time limits that you can’t ignore, unfortunately.

Your goal is to guide the main character to the final point where his bandage-made girlfriend is located. You will experience failures over and over again. But after many attempts, you will be able to complete the level. It is also not recommended for those with weak nerves, as regular losses will test them.

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