“The Walking Dead: A New Frontier” is a direct continuation of the second part of the cult game series “The Walking Dead,” which was created by developers Howyaknow, LLC based on the comics by writer Robert Kirkman.
The question is, how far will you go to protect your family? After the day the world changed drastically, new groups of living people gradually began to emerge. But should you trust them now, when the world is completely different?
Your hero is a guy named Javier. He is trying to find his family. Over time, you meet a girl named Clementine, who has also suffered very serious losses. Do everything you can to survive and find your loved ones, but keep in mind that every choice you make can realistically be your last.
The game is created in the point-and-click system. Like all other games in “The Walking Dead” series, it is very interesting and captivating for almost everyone who plays it. Many players, inspired by the TV show of the same name, have completed all the parts from beginning to end more than once. This is a very compelling argument for those who have not yet played the game. We strongly recommend giving it a try. Download it and do everything you can to survive in this new, but very dangerous and merciless world.