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⚡️New Rebirth Island in Vanguard

You’re quite diverse, Rebirth Island.

Rebirth Island first appeared in Black Ops 1, and it was the island where the Nova 6 gas was being developed. It has nothing to do with the subsequent versions. Next, a version very similar to what we have today was introduced in Blackout, the Battle Royale mode in Black Ops 4. It was a replica of Alcatraz Prison, and players loved that map.

Now you might be thinking, “What about Warzone?” But no, before Warzone, Treyarch created an iteration of Rebirth Island just like the one we got with the first season of Cold War, but on its own engine. Whether it was meant for Blackout 2 or Fire Team is unknown, but it ended up in Warzone, complete with explosions at the start and the construction site in 1984.

Later, the narrative on the island shifted to the future, and we got Control Center, where survivors took refuge after the destruction of Verdansk. Now, on March 24th, we’re expecting a new version of Rebirth Island, and it’s uncertain what it will contain. Logically, it should be set in 1944, but judging by the last two images, it appears to be in 2022. Those who have already seen it say that everything has changed except for the prison.

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