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Activision - photo №118444
call-of-duty-warzone - photo №118445

Call of Duty: Warzone

Game Genre: Action
Platforms: 37, PC, Windows
Game Release Date: 01 Jan 1970
Developer: Activision, Activision Blizzard
Features: 41
Age: 38+
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Guides by Call of Duty: Warzone

  1. What is Roze 2.0?
  2. What is an author code in Warzone
  3. Warzone release date
  4. Warzone Cup: how to play the mode?
  5. Do Modern Warzone weapons have stronger aim assist than Cold War weapons?

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Best Loadout for GALO 12 in Warzone.

In the game, there are many types of weapons, so any player can choose the most suitable option for themselves. Among the standard assault rifles, there are shotguns as well. Nowadays, the AX-50 shotgun is a quite powerful weapon that allows dominating over opponents in close-range combat.

Among the advantages of the AX-50 shotgun, it is worth noting its rate of fire, mobility, and the ability to shoot from the hip. However, there are always disadvantages; the shotgun has a long reload time, and it can only be effective at close distances. The best attachments for the AX-50 include the Agency Choke, Reinforced Barrel 21.4″, Ember Sighting Point, Jungle Grip, and StANAG 12-round magazine.

The post has been updated 07.01.2024 18:27. There is new relevant information.
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Activision - photo №118444
call-of-duty-warzone - photo №118445

Call of Duty: Warzone

Game Genre: Action
Platforms: 37, PC, Windows
Game Release Date: 01 Jan 1970
Developer: Activision, Activision Blizzard
Features: 41
Age: 38+
Watch game

Guides by Call of Duty: Warzone

  1. What is Roze 2.0?
  2. What is an author code in Warzone
  3. Warzone release date
  4. Warzone Cup: how to play the mode?
  5. Do Modern Warzone weapons have stronger aim assist than Cold War weapons?

Content by Call of Duty: Warzone

News, Updates, Videos, Articles, FAQ, Promocodes, Streams

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