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call-of-duty-warzone - photo №118445

Call of Duty: Warzone

Game Genre: Action
Platforms: 37, PC, Windows
Game Release Date: 01 Jan 1970
Developer: Activision, Activision Blizzard
Features: 41
Age: 38+
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Guides by Call of Duty: Warzone

  1. What is Roze 2.0?
  2. What is an author code in Warzone
  3. Warzone release date
  4. Warzone Cup: how to play the mode?
  5. Do Modern Warzone weapons have stronger aim assist than Cold War weapons?

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Call of Duty Experiences a Wave of Account Bans.

The developers of the Call of Duty: Warzone project have reported a significant wave of account bans. The multiplayer shooter has once again faced off against cheaters. According to some reports, over 50,000 accounts were banned. The company revealed that this operation took place in two waves, primarily affecting those who have been repeatedly caught cheating.

From the outset, the company has been grappling with an influx of hacking and cheating issues. Despite the massive ban wave, the problem persists. This is largely due to the game’s freemium nature, allowing cheaters to easily create new accounts. Several months ago, there was also a large-scale ban operation.

Over half a million accounts have been banned in total, highlighting the severity of the cheating issue. This has led some streamers and YouTubers to refrain from playing Warzone altogether. Others have resorted to using multiple cameras to prove the legitimacy of their gameplay. Unfortunately, it’s challenging to predict how much more time will be needed to fully address this issue. Some individuals are willing to employ various, often unethical, methods to secure their victories.

Activision - photo №118444
call-of-duty-warzone - photo №118445

Call of Duty: Warzone

Game Genre: Action
Platforms: 37, PC, Windows
Game Release Date: 01 Jan 1970
Developer: Activision, Activision Blizzard
Features: 41
Age: 38+
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Guides by Call of Duty: Warzone

  1. What is Roze 2.0?
  2. What is an author code in Warzone
  3. Warzone release date
  4. Warzone Cup: how to play the mode?
  5. Do Modern Warzone weapons have stronger aim assist than Cold War weapons?

Content by Call of Duty: Warzone

News, Updates, Videos, Articles, FAQ, Promocodes, Streams

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