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call-of-duty-warzone - photo №118445

Call of Duty: Warzone

Game Genre: Action
Platforms: 37, PC, Windows
Game Release Date: 01 Jan 1970
Developer: Activision, Activision Blizzard
Features: 41
Age: 38+
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Guides by Call of Duty: Warzone

  1. What is Roze 2.0?
  2. What is an author code in Warzone
  3. Warzone release date
  4. Warzone Cup: how to play the mode?
  5. Do Modern Warzone weapons have stronger aim assist than Cold War weapons?

Content by Call of Duty: Warzone

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Ghosts of Verdansk

Become – or defeat – the ghosts of Verdansk. The spiritual successor to Zombie Royale, this limited-time mode allows you to face threats, both human and supernatural.

A test of skill and bravery. Exclusive to this mode, control your fear level by playing well and staying on Sacred Ground to prevent your Operator from succumbing to the darkness.

Limited-Time Mode “Ghosts of Verdansk”

Ghosts of Verdansk → photo 5

If you remember the previous “Ghosts” event, welcome back to encounter the horrors of nighttime Verdansk. If not, don’t worry: this is a new type of horror in Verdansk for both newcomers and veterans.

Ghosts of Verdansk is not for the faint-hearted. But for those who want to set aside traditional competitions for a real test of courage in the face of fear, this limited-time mode – available only during “Ghosts” – will be an exciting Battle Royale experience.

A familiar voice will “guide” you and your Squad through this mode, but it may not be the most helpful or friendly voice on the radio… or the phone, for that matter.

Life after death – ghosts, resurrections, and sacred ground

In this mode, death won’t send you to the Gulag. Instead, operators become ghosts after their first elimination.

Ghosts have no weapons, but they have some supernatural abilities:

  • Super Jump: Similar to the jump from the Zombie Royale game, Ghosts can charge up and float through the air, covering significant distances. Since ghosts have no bodies, their light weight allows them to float and glide after jumping or falling from any great distance.
  • Teleport: Another means of movement, albeit with a slower execution time. Ghosts can teleport a short distance to instantly close the gap between them and living operators. They can even teleport right through them and appear behind their potential target.
  • Spectral Blast: This area-of-effect stunning attack slows down operators and disables vehicles.

As for dealing damage, ghosts can strike their operators only until they die, after which they lose their soul. For a small cost of three souls, a Ghost can immediately respawn as their original Operator, descending from above after the soul exchange.

Ghosts can attack any player not in their squad, but they have a safe place to hide: Sacred Ground.

Marked by a glowing blue circle and a beam of light, as well as an icon on the mini-map, these areas are protected by supernatural magic that prevents ghosts from crossing them. However, ghosts can damage this area by throwing their ghostly bodies into it, and if they crash into it enough times, they can destroy that section of Sacred Ground.

A mode based on fear

Ghosts of Verdansk → photo 6

In “Ghosts of Verdansk,” a new counter has also been introduced – Fear, located in the lower-left corner of the HUD. This indicator ranges from 0 to 100, and each Operator starts as a fearless warrior with a fear level of zero.

If this indicator reaches 50%, your operator may start experiencing hallucinations that can disturb your mind. Overcoming them, you’ll hear a short musical fragment and heavy breathing, after which the Fear level will decrease.

If the counter reaches 100%… well, you’ll have to find out for yourself.

Fear naturally increases over time and when the following events occur:

  • You get shot, enemy equipment hits you, or killstreaks are used nearby.
  • Camping (also known as cowardice).
  • Seeing dead bodies or ghosts.
  • When squadmates are downed or killed.

Except for hallucinations, fear also decreases when the following happens:

  • Eliminating a player or ghost.
  • Reviving a squadmate.
  • Completing a contract.
  • Staying within Sacred Ground… as long as it remains untouched.

Keep your fear under control and make sure one of your squadmates remains as an operator to win in Ghosts of Verdansk, which is one of the key challenges needed to unlock LAPA through Warzone trials.

Activision - photo №118444
call-of-duty-warzone - photo №118445

Call of Duty: Warzone

Game Genre: Action
Platforms: 37, PC, Windows
Game Release Date: 01 Jan 1970
Developer: Activision, Activision Blizzard
Features: 41
Age: 38+
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Guides by Call of Duty: Warzone

  1. What is Roze 2.0?
  2. What is an author code in Warzone
  3. Warzone release date
  4. Warzone Cup: how to play the mode?
  5. Do Modern Warzone weapons have stronger aim assist than Cold War weapons?

Content by Call of Duty: Warzone

News, Updates, Videos, Articles, FAQ, Promocodes, Streams

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