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Activision - photo №118444
call-of-duty-warzone - photo №118445

Call of Duty: Warzone

Game Genre: Action
Platforms: 37, PC, Windows
Game Release Date: 01 Jan 1970
Developer: Activision, Activision Blizzard
Features: 41
Age: 38+
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Guides by Call of Duty: Warzone

  1. What is Roze 2.0?
  2. What is an author code in Warzone
  3. Warzone release date
  4. Warzone Cup: how to play the mode?
  5. Do Modern Warzone weapons have stronger aim assist than Cold War weapons?

Content by Call of Duty: Warzone

News, Updates, Videos, Articles, FAQ, Promocodes

New Events in Warzone

At the beginning of each season, Call of Duty developers organize an event dedicated to that season. We’ve had events in the first and second seasons, and Season 3 in Warzone will be no exception.

What New Events Will Be Added to Warzone?

We’ll actually have two events this time, instead of just one as in previous seasons. That’s something to look forward to.

The first event will be called “Hunt for Adler” and will be added at the beginning of Season 3.

New Events in Warzone → photo 5

As for the second event, its name is currently unknown. However, it’s featured on the cover of Season 3. The event itself is expected to take place in the middle of Season 3 in Warzone.

New Events in Warzone → photo 6

The post has been updated 28.12.2023 16:30. There is new relevant information.
Any suggestions for an update? Write in the comments.

Activision - photo №118444
call-of-duty-warzone - photo №118445

Call of Duty: Warzone

Game Genre: Action
Platforms: 37, PC, Windows
Game Release Date: 01 Jan 1970
Developer: Activision, Activision Blizzard
Features: 41
Age: 38+
Watch game

Guides by Call of Duty: Warzone

  1. What is Roze 2.0?
  2. What is an author code in Warzone
  3. Warzone release date
  4. Warzone Cup: how to play the mode?
  5. Do Modern Warzone weapons have stronger aim assist than Cold War weapons?

Content by Call of Duty: Warzone

News, Updates, Videos, Articles, FAQ, Promocodes

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