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Why Team Spirit lost at TI11 according to Miposhka

Yaroslav Miposhka Naydenov (Team Spirit player) commented on why Team Spirit performed poorly at The International 2022. He spoke about this on Alexander Nix Levin’s stream.

Team Spirit captain: The main thing that affected [the performance] is that we didn’t have a very long bootcamp overall, like two weeks. Most likely, not everyone used the break correctly, because when we were at bootcamp, it felt like not enough people had rested. When we played, there were notes of dissatisfaction and negativity. The atmosphere was tense.

We had bootcamp for two weeks, we didn’t have a single day off, we played every day. We didn’t get a chance to reboot a little bit. There just wasn’t enough extra days.

We realized we had a zombie problem. We couldn’t pick up a normal enough pool against this hero. We didn’t realize which heroes were good enough on the line. It wasn’t until the end of our performance at TI11 that we realized we didn’t give a shit about this zombie and figured out how to act against it. At bootcamp we didn’t pay much attention to him, there wasn’t much discussion. It wasn’t until the Inta that we really ran into problems.

I would add somewhere a couple of days off and a couple of days of publicks to make it another four days. Because the same publics are very important to play.

Recall that Team Spirit was in 13-16th place and received the minimum prize of $251,000. Team manager Dmitry Korb3n Belov said that there may be changes in the team next season.

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