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Vex, the new champion in League of Legends, will be released in September 2021.

Exciting news awaits fans as the introduction of a new character, Vex, is on the horizon. This revelation comes straight from the lead producer responsible for hero development and reworks, Ryan Mireles, who shared the update on the official blog.

Meet Vex: The Upcoming Champion

According to Mireles, Vex is set to make her debut shortly after the conclusion of the “Guardians of Light” event. However, unforeseen circumstances could potentially lead to slight delays in her release. In the meantime, gamers can delve into her backstory through event missions.

What to Expect from Vex

  • Vex is a mysterious Yordle character.
  • She plays a pivotal role in the “Guardians of Light” event storyline.
  • Specific details about her abilities remain under wraps.
  • In teasers, she’s shown harnessing the power of shadows, hinting at her dark nature.

As per the lead producer, if all goes as planned, players can expect to witness Vex’s entrance in the Valley soon. Developers are keen on meticulously crafting the quality and abilities of this enigmatic champion.

Upcoming Game Updates

Mark your calendars for September as several game updates are in the pipeline. While it remains uncertain in which update Vex will be introduced, her impending arrival is generating significant buzz among the community.

Similar Games to Explore

For those intrigued by new character introductions like Vex, titles such as League of Legends and Dota 2 offer a diverse range of heroes with unique abilities, allowing players to explore and master various playstyles.

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