When League of Legends first appeared, PC gaming fans saw it as a version of DOTA. But after a while, League of Legends has evolved into a self-sufficient project that can’t be compared to Dota these days. While the latter has not been stagnant and has been constantly evolving, League of Legends can still compete with Dota 2.
When these two games are compared, the discussion is endless. It’s worth remembering that League of Legends was launched on October 27, 2009. The gaming community received the new project very well. Over the years, League of Legends has grown significantly in its development. According to an article in Forbes magazine, which was published in 2012, League of Legends is the most popular game in North America and Europe.
The journalists drew this conclusion based on the number of hours played on the toy. As of 2014, 67 million people played the game every month. To find themselves in a fantasy world, 27 million players log on to the game’s servers every day. During peak hours, 2 million people take part in the gameplay at once. One of the popular gaming magazines “Igromania” calls the appearance of the game “League of Legends” a cybersport breakthrough.
The game is a great success.
The world of Valoran is where the action of League of Legends unfolds. Once there, the gamer finds himself in a series of endless battles with no end in sight. In this game, there are two teams, which can consist of three or 5 players. Each team is sure to have its own base. The players are called “summoners”. They need to choose their characters – the “champions”.
The main objective in League of Legends is to completely destroy your opponent’s base. Minions (creeps) help players accomplish this more easily. They are computer controlled.
Winning a battle not only gives the player experience, but also gold. Using this universal currency, gamers can purchase a variety of items. With these items, champions can get additional bonuses in the form of increased damage or mana. Alternatively, gold can be used to purchase activatable items.
In the game, they can perform some useful function for the champion. Some items can be used as a shield for nearby allies. Others have the function of slowing down a selected enemy.
Some items, when activated, can remove negative effects that the opponent has placed on the champion. When the item has been used, it takes time for its function to be fully restored. After that, it can be activated again.
The specialty of this game is that it has three lines. It is along the lines that the champions and minions move towards the enemy base. Between the lines you can see a forest where neutral monsters live. In addition, in The Forest you can find special monsters. If you kill such a monster, you can get a bonus. However, this bonus is only valid for a short time.
Players gain experience points and “Influence Points” by constantly participating in battles. The latter are the in-game currency in League of Legends. They are awarded to the player after each match. As experience is gained, the level of the Summoner increases. You can reach a maximum of 30th level with your character. With its increase comes the opportunity to acquire additional talent points. These are passive effects that the player can impose on the enemy. It is also possible to get slots for runes. With their help, the champion, who was selected by the Caller, becomes more powerful. In the game, the gamer has the ability to distribute talents between matches at his discretion. Here everything depends on the number of slots. Runes also have a certain influence on gameplay. But in order to get more of them, you’ll need enough in-game currency.
The game also has an in-game store. By going there, summoners can buy additional perks with Riot Points. These are purchased with real money. But even this in-game money can’t affect the gameplay, as it can only be spent to buy images for champions.
They simply help to change the appearance of champions and improve the images for totems (“wards”). You can also spend in-game currency on various boosters. These increase the amount of in-game currency and bonuses you get per match. So if you donate to the game, it will not give you any advantage over your opponents. Donating won’t make your champion faster or stronger.
To win and capture the opponents’ base, you need not only to choose the right tactics, but also to show excellent teamwork. In addition, all players on your team must actively participate in the match. Only joint actions that are well coordinated can win. In this game, there are almost no situations where one player can win only through his own efforts and skills.
Members of a team must help each other and must not leave the game until the end of the match. If one of the players on a team leaves the game for any reason during a match, it is a blow to the whole team. This leads to certain unpleasant situations. The team is penalized. And in certain cases, a ban is not ruled out. When a certain number of complaints are accumulated against a caller, the fight against him is already through the Tribunal. There, his behavior is reviewed by officials from Riot Games.
It should be said that League of Legends is a game that is constantly being updated, as well as receiving various additions. Thanks to them, all the problems that arise in the game are gradually eliminated.
The gameplay becomes more interesting and stable. It eliminates the possibility of one champion becoming dominant over the others. Sometimes an old champion will have his abilities change. In this case, he turns into a completely new and unfamiliar character. The graphical update to this game happened in 2014. This resulted in League of Legends having a more modern style and looking more appealing to gamers.
The game’s graphics were updated in 2014.
Aside from the classic 3-on-3 or 5-on-5 mode with players or bots, the game has another mode called ARAM (All Random All Mid). When it’s engaged, players get a random champion and have only one line at their disposal.
In addition, Riot Games periodically delights fans with the release of new modern time-based modes. Sometimes they have radical differences from the original purpose of the game. For example, if Ascension mode is active, there are no bases and no towers. Champions have only one line around the circle of the map at their disposal. The main goal for players is to gain the necessary number of points. To do this, they need to perform certain actions.
For example, killing other champions and capturing and holding control points. Or you can play another interesting mode called All for One. Players take a vote. They choose the champion they will play. This is done by players on both sides.
League of Legends also used to have a Nightmare Bots mode. When it was active, players were tasked with going into battle against powerful bots that had a cheatable set of abilities.
Even players with a lot of experience in this mode had to work hard to defeat the bots. From time to time, you can see these modes repeating one after another in the game, or simply introducing a brand new temporary mode.
Sometimes gamers may receive additional tasks while playing in one of the modes. If they successfully complete them, they’ll be rewarded with memorable icons or images that can’t be purchased for any currency, even in the in-game store.
Players who are very fond of learning “lore” (Lore) will never get bored either. Every champion has a biography and has a story that is intertwined with the other champions. For example, a biography champion wants peace and quiet to finally come for Freljord. The other, however, wants to capture him and make him his slave.
When a novice gamer enters the League of Legends game, he has 10 free champions at his disposal. It is from them that he can make his choice. This set usually contains champions of all classes (tank, support champion, mage, gunner and assassin).
So even a beginner will have a variety of styles to train in. When it comes to classes, there are some nuances. Depending on the style of play chosen by the gamer, the items bought during the game, the set of talents and runes, a champion, whose task is to support and help his allies, can deal serious damage to enemies, but his other qualities will suffer. Experienced players successfully combine such changes to have flexible options. They can help them win an easy victory in combat.
Every week in this game, the free set of champions changes. The old set is changed to another set of ten. This gives the gamer the opportunity to try out other champions. In order to acquire the champions that the player wants permanently, he has to buy them with in-game currency.
You can also pay with Riot Points. That is, you’ll have to splurge and give up real money. As of 2015, there were already 128 champions in this game. Periodically, the developer releases new ones. They can change the state of affairs in the game world and the rules of battles. But only the release of new champions Riot Games is not limited to. Along with them there are also cinematic animated videos.
They rack up a lot of views and tell the story of each champion, or what it would be like to fight an individual champion on screen. Or there are documentary chronicles that provide a detailed look at Riot Games and the hard work of its staff. All videos have a beautiful soundtrack consisting of songs composed by Riot Games.
The post has been updated 01.02.2025 13:51. There is new relevant information.
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