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League of Legends

Game Genre: Role, Strategies, Экшены
Platforms: macOS, PC
Game Release Date: 27 Oct 2009
Developer: Riot Games
Features: Online Co-op
Age: 13+
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Akshan guide in League of Legends.

On July 22nd, a new character named Akshan will be introduced in League of Legends, taking on the roles of a mid-lane marksman and assassin. Akshan is a guardian of light who fears no battle, as he is a powerful marksman wielding the strongest magical weapon, ready to destroy villains by any means. Additionally, he has the ability to revive his teammates. In this article, we will delve into Akshan’s abilities and characteristics, as well as his strengths and weaknesses in the gameplay.

Akshan’s Abilities and How to Use Them

The character’s abilities and skills are as follows:

“Dirty Fighting” (Passive Ability).

With every third hit using basic attacks or abilities, Akshan deals additional physical damage to the enemy. If his target is a champion, he earns a shield. After using a basic attack, he shoots one more time. However, it’s worth noting that this second shot deals minimal damage and can be canceled if needed. This ability increases Akshan’s attack speed. If the target of his basic attack dies, the second shot will be directed at the nearest target. The developers have given Akshan some superpowers. This passive ability allows Akshan to make a choice: either to deal a second shot for additional damage or to increase his movement speed to change his position in the attack and achieve victory.

The additional shield is needed to block enemy basic attacks, which works well in Akshan’s duels. The extra movement speed in battle after canceling the second shot helps him run faster and is great for chasing down enemies. Also, don’t forget to use runes, as they provide various advantages and bonuses in the gameplay.

“Avengerang” (Q).

Akshan throws his boomerang, which can deal physical damage and reveal enemies hit by the boomerang. Notice that the boomerang’s flight distance increases with each hit target. The boomerang has the ability to inflict a wound on the enemy both when initially thrown and when it returns to Akshan. This is Akshan’s distinctive ability for dealing damage to enemies, creating tension in the process. The boomerang has the ability to deal damage twice, so you need to carefully plan your movement and throw the boomerang in a way that it hits on both the initial throw and the return. It also stacks, leading to increased burst damage, resulting in significant damage to the enemy.

Most importantly, after the boomerang hits an enemy, it’s crucial to know the boomerang’s flight range. The range will significantly increase, allowing you to pressure the enemy and advance further along the lane.

“Going Rogue” (W) has two parts: active and passive.

Passive Part: Enemies who kill Akshan’s allies become outlaws. If Akshan kills them, he earns gold, and all his allies resurrect at the base. Other enemies lose their outlaw status. Isn’t it cool that allies can be resurrected? Finally, there’s a character who can bring the dead back to life. However, it’s worth noting that only the ally who dealt damage to the specific opponent can be resurrected. It would be nice to kill Renekton, for example, to then resurrect all your teammates.

Active Part

Akshan briefly camouflages himself. Camouflage lasts longer near terrain. During the effect, Akshan can see tracks on the ground that lead him to outlaws. Following the tracks, he gains increased movement speed and can quickly restore his magical abilities.

Don’t forget to use camouflage when you’re close to enemy lines or when the enemy is in different parts of the map. However, there’s a crucial condition: you need to stay close to walls. Then the camouflage effect will last longer, and the enemy side won’t see you. If you move away from the wall, the camouflage will disappear. In summary, leaving tracks for an enemy who killed your allies and is trying to escape, they won’t be able to hide from Akshan. He’ll find them because he possesses superpowers—magic.

“Grappling Gun” (E)

The marksman shoots a hook at the enemy. The hook latches onto the first available terrain element in its path. If necessary, Akshan can attempt another shot to fly around the enemy and deal heavy damage. During the flight, the marksman has the ability to take another shot. Akshan’s unique feature is that he can change his flight path and catch up with the enemy in any corner of the map. In other words, it’s impossible for enemies to hide from Akshan. Don’t forget about the cooldown after each use; it’s essential for Akshan as it allows him to fly at high speed for an extended period.

“Payback” (R)

Akshan targets an enemy and charges his weapon with magical energy – bullets (over a short period of time). Then the character fires the accumulated bullets (a total of five shots). Each projectile deals unique damage. Note that during the charging and firing, Akshan can swiftly move and use the “Grappling Gun” (E) ability.

Akshan’s powerful ultimate ability helps him deal with enemies who have strayed from their allies and quickly eliminate them. However, using this skill is not straightforward. When attacking an enemy, make sure they can’t hide behind their allies’ turrets, as the projectiles can hit even towers. Only then should you begin your attack; the enemy won’t be able to hide from you.

Akshan’s Gameplay

Playing as Akshan is not complicated, but it’s worth thoroughly understanding his playstyle to avoid mistakes in the game. Always remember that Akshan is not an assassin but a top-tier marksman with no equal. So, don’t waste time on tanks and such. Swiftly engage in battles on the battlefield and sneak in unnoticed to eliminate enemies, as they are cunning and formidable opponents.

Initiating an attack is advisable: basic attack followed by his passive, then immediately throw your boomerang and follow up with another basic attack. The boomerang can hook onto an enemy when it returns, allowing you to trigger your passive ability again. Furthermore, after throwing the boomerang, you’ll gain a shield, which is essential for Akshan to block enemy attacks. Pushing the lane with the boomerang and basic attacks and then actively moving and launching sudden attacks on the enemy is a powerful move in the game.

Akshan’s Skill Tricks

The most important trick with Akshan is his lightning-fast mobility, which provides additional capabilities in combat. Additionally, thanks to Akshan, you can spot the tracks of outlaws and use double attacks.

Runes for Akshan

Knowing Akshan’s specialization – fast attack speed and his passive ability, when creating your rune page, don’t forget about the character’s features.

Therefore, you should create two setups:

  • Aggression, which brings damage to the enemy through two hits with each attack.
  • Presence of Mind, which helps restore Akshan’s survivability.

Akshan’s Build

Akshan’s key feature is auto-attacks and dealing additional damage to the enemy through stacks. To achieve this, you need to optimize your setup using various screen distortions. His build is similar to that of any marksman.

Akshan’s Skill Upgrades

It is recommended to prioritize skill upgrades for “Avengerang” (Q), as it deals the most physical damage. Don’t forget that the boomerang can inflict double damage. Next, pay attention to “Grappling Gun” (E) and use “Going Rogue” (W) at level 3 and then at level 14. Also, remember Akshan’s strong abilities and be sure to upgrade them.

League of Legends - photo №114454
League of Legends - photo №114454

League of Legends

Game Genre: Role, Strategies, Экшены
Platforms: macOS, PC
Game Release Date: 27 Oct 2009
Developer: Riot Games
Features: Online Co-op
Age: 13+
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Guides by League of Legends

  1. When did LoL come out?
  2. League of Legends: everything you need to know about the world’s most popular video game
  3. lol what game is that?

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