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Zombie Intrigue in Warzone 2

New Zombie Teaser in Warzone 2: Ravenov’s Return and Location Mystery

If you’ve been eagerly waiting for news on Warzone 2, the recently released zombie mode teaser is definitely something you’ll want to sink your teeth into. In this article, we’ll dissect the key points of the teaser and try to figure out what they could mean for the upcoming game.

The Enigmatic Return of Ravenov

The first thing that catches the eye is the return of Ravenov. Yes, the very same character who disappeared after the events of Forsaken. Where has he been, and what could this mean for the storyline? It’s still a mystery, but one thing’s clear: the game’s creators have something up their sleeve.

Las Almas or Urzikstan?

The second intriguing aspect is the location of the invasion. At first glance, it seems to be Las Almas. However, insiders claim it’s actually Urzikstan. It appears that the developers made a last-minute change but kept elements from the Ground War and MWII multiplayer maps.

What Does It All Mean?

On one hand, the location switch may seem odd. On the other, perhaps Las Almas was never meant to play a significant role in the new game. Either way, both of these points add an element of intrigue, making us even more anxious for the release.


The new zombie teaser in Warzone 2 hints at many interesting twists. Ravenov’s return and the ambiguous invasion location are just the tip of the iceberg. All that’s left is to wait for official announcements and, of course, the game’s release itself.

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