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GTA 6 won’t be released until 2025

It’s been 10 years since Rockstar released GTA V. Fans of this game are eagerly waiting for the developer to introduce a new part of the popular toy. But the studio is in no hurry to do it. It just updated Grand Theft Auto 5 and released its remaster. Some time ago it was rumored, that if the developer won’t announce new GTA 6 part in the nearest time, then at least he will please his fans with details about the novelty on the E3 exhibition.

But in the Rockstar is still completely silent. The media has not yet leaked any information about the new toy. The other day the information silence about GTA 6 was broken. One of the respected industry insider said that the Rockstar’s silence will last for a few more years. According to him, GTA 6 fans will be able to see only in 2025.

Tom Henderson has previously delighted the fans of computer games with the insider information. It was him who leaked interesting details about Call of Duty and Battlefield. Recently there was a video, in which he details why GTA 6 is delayed. Although the data from Henderson has not been officially confirmed by Rockstar, it is worth paying attention to.

According to Henderson, GTA 6 should not be expected until 2024-2025. As a reason for the delay, he cites the fact that the studio began to pay more attention to the physical and mental state of his team. This happened after the rush to release Red Dead Redemption 2. According to Henderson, the company was in a hurry while releasing the game. As a result, the staff just “burned out”. When the game came out many of the insiders told that the full-fledged crisis started in the company. In case of GTA 6 Rockstar doesn’t want to set the crazy pace. In addition, during the pandemic, which has not yet ended, many employees of the studio are working remotely. And this prevents the process of creating a new part of the popular game to be accelerated.

Henderson also revealed some other important information. He said, that the developer will not reveal GTA 6 release date until the last moment, until the management of the company is sure that the game is 100% ready. The well-known insider is convinced that if GTA 6 announcement comes out, then after its release we can expect the game’s release in the near future.

There is another factor that makes the Rockstar management slow in the development process of GTA 6 – it is the shortage of next-gen consoles. We are talking about PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S, Series X. Not everyone has them at their disposal. Of course, this limits the audience of game users. According to preliminary information, the deficit with the consoles will be eliminated only in mid-2022.

Пост был обновлен 30.10.2023 14:13. Появилась новая актуальная информация.
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