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How to become a threat in CS:GO.

Your actions to help counter attacks. It turns out that leading the Terrorist side in CS:GO is just as important as using sound information to your advantage and countering AWP players. Let’s explore the main tips from professionals on how to become unbeatable in battles in this legendary game.

Identifying Peaks

Certainly, many of you have encountered gamers who excel as defenders but struggle when taking the Terrorist position. Perhaps you are one of them and don’t enjoy supporting Counter-Terrorists. What sets the gameplay of attackers apart is the critical choice of peaks.

Indeed, in some attacks, it’s reasonable to use a “W+” strategy, rushing the enemy with fearlessness. But in many cases, you’ll need to learn the tactic of peeking at enemies. To become such a professional, you must learn important positions where defenders may await you and eliminate them swiftly and powerfully. You can trust that this strategy will help you increase your win rate.

Movement Is Power

The ability to move intelligently is the foundation of success for players taking the attacking side. But what does that mean? A gamer must know how to bait and intelligently peek at the positions of like-minded players. For example, a gamer actively fires on a plan where an enemy sniper is located. To avoid being exposed, peek at them discreetly and quickly take cover.

After shooting the enemy, it will take a moment for them to reload their weapon and make a second shot. That’s when you can eliminate them with your shot. Unfortunately, this tactic is not very effective against riflers. But don’t despair; this strategy will provide you with information about the opponents’ positions.

Purchasing Grenades

Full buy, force buy, eco – a tough choice that every gamer has to make in rounds. However, there’s another option that players don’t often use. And that’s how to purchase grenades. A common mistake, typically made by beginners, is buying fragmentation grenades for the Terrorist side.

As practice shows, fragmentation grenades don’t bring any benefits because they are used to prevent enemy rushes or to attack specific locations. Therefore, gamers should consider buying two flashbangs, a smoke grenade, and a Molotov. Remember this to ensure your arsenal never runs out. However, fragmentation grenades are not entirely useless. They can be productive on Inferno, so it’s sufficient to have just two of them per team.

Map Control

Another problem for novice gamers is rushing any site recklessly. Indeed, such a strategy works well, but only a few times. After that, the enemy adapts to your behavior and becomes bold enough to approach from behind and deliver a devastating blow.

To avoid such an unpleasant situation, you should know how to control the map. This is exactly what professional gamers do. Even if you become a member of a team that rushes B, you should still control the other site. This will provide you with information about the enemy’s movements that go off your radar. It will also allow you to have all the necessary information yourself.

Utilize Utilities

It’s also crucial to use the grenades mentioned earlier effectively. Properly using smokes, flashbangs, and Molotovs contributes to half of the success in resisting CS:GO. So, a smoke grenade helps you secure a crucial position, a Molotov forces enemies out of power spots, and well-timed flashbangs can simply overwhelm opponents, especially at lower ranks where they are less adept at dealing with them.

It’s worth noting that we discussed the use of flashbangs a bit earlier. You can also get information about grenades on Train and Inferno, as well as on Nuke and Overpass.

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