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Best characters of patch 7.30 that have successfully entered the meta

The new Dota 2 update recently came into effect, and it has already significantly changed the meta. Some heroes underwent significant changes. For instance, heroes like Winter Wyvern and Templar Assassin were nerfed. Due to these changes, we decided to delve into what is currently relevant for the rating of the new match. Here are eight truly powerful heroes, not forgetting about the new patch bugs.


Expected win rate is +4.5%. This hero can boast significant improvements. Now, the hero’s aura doesn’t heal but provides armor values ranging from 2 to 5. Furthermore, if upgrading to tame creeps is necessary for playing this hero, it can now be done by purchasing the Shard only. This allows for strengthening for 1.4k gold by the 20th minute. This has never been done before and significantly changed the hero’s balance.

Chen is now beneficial both in the position four and position three, thanks to slightly altered skills.


Slark is now the active carry that was missing in today’s meta. Among the most prominent skill changes for this hero, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Buffed Dark Pact, which allows you to take only 30% of the damage received, instead of 50%.
  2. Ultimate cooldown reduced by 5 seconds.
  3. Level 10 talent received a minus 1-second cooldown.

What’s good about all this? Playing this hero is now most convenient through Mage Slayer. It increases attack speed, regenerates 2 mana per second, and also increases damage. All this goodness costs only 2400 gold.

Void Spirit

Win rate is +5.4%. While this hero wasn’t significantly buffed, other counter-picking heroes were fixed. Against Puck and Lina, Void Spirit now becomes a more advantageous option.

The main feature of this hero is the increased damage from Astral Step, which can be upgraded at levels 2 and 3. The hero is also highly mobile, thanks to the ability to open up to 7 portals on the map.

Monkey King

Thanks to patch 7.3, Monkey King now has a delay before Tree Dance. This allows him to be much faster. He is still very strong in lanes, and the added +10% lifesteal when upgrading Jingu Mastery makes him a formidable opponent in lanes.

With Aghanim’s Shard, Mischief now has a cooldown of only 8 seconds. Furthermore, when activated, Monkey King becomes invulnerable to attacks for 0.5 seconds. This setup allows for dealing significant damage while remaining untargetable by the enemy.

Skywrath Mage

Skywrath Mage has piqued the interest of the public again. He may not be overpowered, but thanks to patch 7.3, he received a couple of significant improvements. Now, he has increased base damage at level 1. Additionally, Concussive Shot allows for slowing down enemies by almost 40%. This combination provides excellent opportunities to harass both supports and carries by slowing them down and dealing significant damage. If Skywrath Mage is paired with a strong offlaner, the effect will only be enhanced.

Queen of Pain

Queen of Pain rarely appeared in the previous meta. Matches often featured heroes like Puck, Grimstroke, and Nyx, against whom she had nothing to offer. However, in the new update, she may become one of the most meta mid-laners.

The hero’s base damage has been increased by 3, making her a formidable opponent. Additionally, Shadow Strike can heal Akasha for 10 to 40 points, depending on the skill level. This makes her highly aggressive, allowing her to dominate any mid-lane opponent in a 1v1 battle. Queen of Pain is also a beneficial pick for supporting side lanes.


Beastmaster underwent fewer changes in 7.30, yet his win rate increased by 6.6%. This was all thanks to the corrected Helm of the Overlord, which now costs more. It is assembled from items like Helm of the Dominator and Vladmir’s Offering, which are extremely useful.

This still makes Beastmaster one of the most annoying and effective offlaners. It’s challenging to drive him out of the lane, and he can farm under any circumstances. He is excellent for harassing the enemy team’s supports and carries.

Storm Spirit

Last but not least, let’s talk about Storm. This hero was in demand in 7.29 and was even improved in the new patch. Now he has an additional damage bonus for Static Remnant. Another good news is that the developers buffed his ultimate. It now consumes less mana (25 + 7.5%).

Talents at levels 10 and 15 have become stronger, and they have been swapped. These changes have made Storm more convenient and effective in almost any fight.

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