Call of Duty 3 once again bypassed the PC, and could only be played on the new generation consoles. At that time, the theme of World War II could still be used, but the author understood that it was necessary to look for new ways to develop the series.
This threequel could boast not only new campaigns, but also innovative technologies. Realism and thoughtful physics helped the game receive numerous positive reviews. However, many complained about the setting, which had become tiresome. There is no full-fledged storyline, as the single-player campaign consists of about a dozen missions. They are interconnected and unlock as the game progresses.
The author decided to stick with the previous theme and tell players about the war in France. The quality of the third installment deserves separate praise. High object detail and three-dimensional lighting are the main strengths of the project. Battles in the background add to the realism.
The post has been updated 01.02.2025 14:14. There is new relevant information.
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