In the kingdom of Mirtana, a terrible war is taking place. The land is surrounded by orcs. The king needs to obtain a lot of magical ore. High-quality weapons can be made from this material. Anyone who has violated the law in any way is sent to mine the ore.
A large magical barrier has been created in a vast area. This protection was built so that prisoners could not escape. Anyone can enter this territory, but no one can return. The barrier is a complete isolation from the outside world. But the prisoners started to rebel and staged an uprising.
Three warring factions have formed in the colony. Therefore, the king had to conduct negotiations in order to reach an agreement on the supply of magical ore, regardless of the conditions.
The player ends up in this prison. The gamer will have to choose a certain side and find a way out of the barrier. This game is the longest in the RPG genre. It will take about 100 hours to complete. There is a large variety of weapons and skill upgrades available here. The game world is alive and extensive. Each character here works, eats, sleeps, and fights.