Hades is a roguelike computer game developed by Supergiant Games. In the game, players take on the role of a character named Zagreus, who is the son of Hercules and is trying to escape from the underworld of Hades by battling various monsters and gods. The game is completely in Russian, including voice acting and text.
Hades has six worlds that players can travel through:
1. The Underworld of Hades – the main setting of the game where Zagreus is located and where most of the bosses are found.
2. Elysium – the realm of completion where players can meet Orpheus and receive rewards.
3. Erebus – a realm where the bazaar is located, allowing players to buy and sell various items.
4. Asphodel – the realm of the gods where players can encounter different gods, receive their assistance, and visit sanctuaries.
5. Tartarus – a realm where players can earn rewards and weapons by battling monsters in special fights.
6. Olympus – a realm where players can visit sanctuaries of other gods to receive their assistance.
The file size of Hades depends on the platform you are playing on. On PC, the game file size is approximately 4-5 GB, while on Nintendo Switch, it is around 1.5 GB.
The time it takes to complete Hades depends on the difficulty level you are playing on and how many attempts you make to complete the game. Typically, completing Hades takes between 15 to 30 hours, depending on these factors.