Horizon Forbidden West – is a sequel to the beloved exclusive hit for PlayStation, Horizon Zero Dawn, in the adventure action genre. The story revolves around the well-known heroine, Aloy, who must venture into the dangerous lands of the Forbidden West to save humanity. The amazing open world has become even larger, hiding numerous secrets and dangers. New mechanical enemies, an improved arsenal, an engaging storyline, and true next-gen gameplay are now available for purchase.
In the new installment of Horizon, players will be able to immerse themselves in an even more colorful world, where every element of the environment is detailed at the level of the best cinematic creations in the gaming industry. The developers have implemented advanced facial animation to make the dialogues even more lively. On your exploration Journey, you will encounter new tribes, colorful characters, and dangerous enemies. Players are given the opportunity to uncover mysteries not only on the surface but also underwater, revealing a range of new mechanics.
In addition to advancing the main storyline and graphical improvements, the developers have taken care to update the combat system. Now, Aloy can use several technological innovations to overcome obstacles and learn deadly attack combinations. They have also not forgotten about upgrading the crafting system. The heroine will be able to create a greater variety of traps, ammunition, and potions to provide gamers with more variability during gameplay.
The post has been updated 06.12.2024 21:37. There is new relevant information.
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