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In Counter-Strike 2 you can no longer “kill” multiple enemies with one shot

In CS 2 (Sounter-Strike 2) released an update in which they decided to fix bullets, so now you can not kill multiple enemies with one bullet (even with AWP)! Changes added to the game in the update of August 18, 2023.

Damage to enemies standing behind you now does not pass, which means you can kill one, now many highlites will not be. In the description of the update there is no word on why they did this and whether this is a new feature (innovation) or a regular bug from Valve.

Counter-Strike 2 closed beta update was released on August 18. The developers added all the iconic maps to normal mode and Deathmatch, and fixed some bugs.

UPD post: it was a bug, it was fixed, now you can kill multiple opponents again.

The post has been updated 26.08.2023 15:16. There is new relevant information.
Any suggestions for an update? Write in the comments.

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